Healing your family starts with you.

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My story

At the age of five, my son changed from a brilliant, happy, healthy child to one who had such crippling anxiety that he eventually couldn’t leave the house. I spent years chasing diagnoses, trying to explain to friends and family that this wasn’t just a discipline problem, walking on eggshells around my child, trying to put one foot in front of the other each day, and worrying about the emotional and physical toll this stressful existence took on my younger one. I searched for anything that could help my son. I scoured Facebook groups, I pleaded with doctors for bloodwork, I bought every supplement that someone called a “game changer” for their sick child, I tried every diet, I went to specialists who didn’t take insurance, we tested our home for mold and did an extensive remediation and rebuild that took seven months and more money than we could afford to spend. And he wasn’t better. We couldn’t get his central nervous system to calm down, he was hyperactive and would rage and hit if something set him off, he had horrible intrusive thoughts that brought him to tears every night, he had extreme separation anxiety and sensory sensitivity, he couldn’t accomplish any schoolwork, and we all lived under the rules and regulations of his anxiety.

I wish I could say that our situation was unusual, but it seems to be growing more and more common with each passing year. Parents of children with PANDAS/PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) and other chronic autoimmune conditions are currently competing to see the handful of doctors who even acknowledge that our children are suffering from brain inflammation, not mental illness. Warrior mothers and fathers are out there fighting every day for school services and insurance companies with the hope that some form of therapy or treatment will bring their child back to them.

So what eventually brought our child back to us? (You guessed it…) Homeopathy! Every other treatment we tried was too much for this tiny guy to handle and just made his inflammation worse. When I gave him his first remedy, he immediately calmed down and I could see glimpses of who he used to be before he got sick. This miraculous transformation didn’t last, which I soon learned was just part of the healing process, but once I saw that I knew I had found the answer. I was able to abandon all the supplements, all the tests, all the fear…and he began to heal. Slowly, over a year of homeopathic treatment, the layers of illness peeled away one by one. And now he’s thriving once again.

As a homeopathic consultant I specialize in pediatric behavioral issues, ADHD, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, Lyme disease, learning disorders, PANDAS/PANS, mold and chemical sensitivities, and sensory issues. I also love to treat siblings of complex children and their parents. Across the board, parents who have been struggling with these issues in their children need healing as well. More than that, healing the parents will accelerate healing in the child. A family unit is so intertwined; for one to fully heal we all must heal. Whether that means resolving past trauma (with homeopathy, energy work, or therapy), strengthening our immune system, learning to love ourselves, clearing viruses, toxicity, or parasites that have been holding us down, or working through the PTSD and adrenal fatigue that we are left with from having a sick child, we as parents have to turn inward and make sure we are healthy and centered so that we can get our children healthy too.

Training and Experience


I obtained my pediatric homeopathy training from the School of Intuitive Homeopathy and have completed coursework with the Lotus Health Institute, the Centre for Homeopathic Education, the International School for Human Chemistry, and gemmotherapy training with Lauren Hubele. I am a co-founder of a cooperative and educational clinic specializing in complex pediatric cases called Homeopathy Hive, and an instructor and certification course program coordinator at the School of Intuitive Homeopathy. I also served as developmental editor for Dr. Angelica Lemke’s book, Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Writing and began my career in publishing, eventually serving as Executive Editor in Sunset Magazine’s book division in the early 2000’s. I went on to write 10 home improvement and landscaping books and edited dozens of others. I also owned an eco-friendly retail store from 2007-2011 called RECLAIM home + design in Menlo Park, CA. The result of my research and education in eco-friendly homes, The Green Home: A Sunset Design Guide, was published in 2010 and showcased how beautiful healthy homes could be. The store closed right before the birth of my first child and I was blessed to be able to focus on motherhood while my two children were babies. We’ve all heard the phrase that our children are our greatest teachers, and sure enough, my oldest child’s challenges pushed me to seek out alternative medicine and ultimately dive into homeopathy.

Disclaimer: This website is designed for educational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical doctor. The information provided herein should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, consult your physician regarding personal medical care. If you have a medical emergency, please contact your medical doctor.